Performance and Results

Assessment Reports

Primary Phase 

Student progress is discussed termly at Parents Evening meetings during the Autumn and Spring Term. Written annual reports are then sent home in the Summer Term. The reports cover academic progress and behaviour for learning. If you would like further details please contact Miss L Dalton, Head of School (Primary Phase) via

Secondary Phase and Sixth Form

Student assessment reports are sent home each term to enable parents/carers to see how their children are performing. The reports cover academic progress and behaviour for learning. If you would like further details please contact Dr A J Stokes, Assistant Principal (Curriculum) via

Performance Tables

These are published by the Department for Education (DfE) annually to provide you with relevant information to compare the performance of schools in your local area and England as a whole.

Performance Data

Key Stage 2
Key Stage 4
Key Stage 5

Key Stage 2


School performance data for the 2022/23 academic year should be used with caution given the ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which affected individual schools and pupils differently.

Reading Progress Measure 1.7 (Above Average)
Writing Progress Measure -0.1 (Average)
Maths Progress Measure 2.4 (Above Average)
% pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing and maths 65%
% pupils achieving a high score in reading and maths and working at a greater depth in writing 5%
Average scaled score in reading


Average scaled score in maths 105


  2023 ARE+ 2023 GD
Reading 78% 37%
Maths 78% 32%
Writing 70% 7%
GPS 88% 43%
Combined 65% 5%

Key Stage 4


Average Progress 8 Score  0.23
Average Attainment 8 Score  51.78
% Students achieving 5+ in English and Maths  55%
% Students entered for EBacc  37.91%
EBacc Average Point Score


% Students remaining in education or entering employment 98.4%


Key Stage 5


Average Results C
% Achieving AAB or higher, including at least 2 facilitating subjects 8.25%
Grade and points for a student’s best 3 A-levels

C (28.04)

% Students remaining in education or entering employment (2022) 80%
Retention to end of main learning aim of study programmes (2022) 98%

View our desginations data (2017-2020)

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