How to Apply

William Hulme's Grammar School (WHGS) changed from being a selective school in the independent (fee-paying) sector to being a city academy funded by the government in September 2007.  It is now the most popular school choice in Manchester for both the secondary and primary phases, and one of the most over-subscribed schools in the UK. 
Part of the United Learning family of schools, our students continue to achieve excellent results. Places are offered to boys and girls of all abilities regardless of their background and strictly in accordance with our published admissions policy.

September 2024

We still have a few remaining places for the current Nursery Class 2024-25. Please contact or collect an application form from the primary or secondary reception if you are interested in a place.

Nursery Class applicants for September 2024 must have a birth date between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021.

Please do not complete the 2024-25 form if your child's date of birth is outside these dates.

If you wish to apply under the Medical and Social Needs (exceptional circumstances) criterion, you will need to provide written evidence to the school of your child’s significant social or medical needs, addressed to the Admissions Officer, William Hulme’s Grammar School, Spring Bridge Road, Manchester, M16 8PR. 

Examples of significant medical or social circumstances which the Academy may be able to take into account would be:

  • Your child has a sensory impairment and needs to walk to the closest school for safety reasons.
  • Your child has a serious physical disability which means they are unable to walk long distances or use public transport, and this is your nearest school.

Please note that being in WHGS Nursery Class 2024-25 does not guarantee your child a place in Reception, because there is no automatic transfer from Nursery to Reception. You must re apply for Reception 2025.

September 2025

Applications for Nursery Class 2025 will open on 01 September 2024 for children with a date of birth between September 2021 and August 2022. You will be able to apply on an online form or on a paper form available from the school office. 

Apply here for Nursery 2025

Nursery Offers

The first wave of Nursery 2025 applications will close on Friday 14 February 2025. You will receive a letter from the school whether or not your child has been offered a place, by the end of February. We will continue to make offers up until July 2025 if vacancies arise.


September 2025


We will offer 60 Reception places for September 2025 entry. Applications must be made through the child's home local authority, by naming this school as one of the preferences on the Common Application Form (CAF).

You must mention on the CAF if your child has an older sibling already attending the Academy. If you do not tell us about a sibling, we will not be able to take this into account when allocating places.

If your child is already at William Hulme's Grammar School Nursery, you still need to apply on the CAF via your local authority. 


Applicants for Reception Class September 2025 entry should have a birth date between 01 September 2020 and 31 August 2021. Please see our Admissions Policy for information regarding the admission of children outside their normal age group. 

If you wish to apply under the Medical and Social Needs (Exceptional Circumstances) criterion, you will need to provide written evidence to the school of your child’s significant social or medical needs, addressed to the Admissions Officer, William Hulme’s Grammar School, Spring Bridge Road, Manchester, M16 8PR.  This must be sent directly to the school by the closing date. This will be in mid January 2025.

Examples of significant medical or social circumstances which the Academy may be able to take into account would be:

  • Your child has a sensory impairment and needs to walk to the closest school for safety reasons.
  • Your child has a serious physical disability which means they are unable to walk long distances or use public transport, and this is your nearest school.

Please note that being in WHGS Nursery Class 2024-25 does not guarantee your child a place in Reception because there is no automatic transfer from Nursery to Reception.

Local authorities will communicate application decisions to parents/carers in April 2025.

Year 7

Year 7 2025

Applications for Year 7 2025 are now being processed. Secondary school offers will be communicated to you via your local council on 3 March 2025, national offer day.

How to apply

If you have not yet applied for a Year 7 place for September 2025, you must contact your local council to make a late application.

Parents and carers who would like to apply to WHGS should make their child's application through their home local authority (council) by naming this school as one of their preferences on the Common Application Form (CAF). After the closing date of 31 October, the school will send an invitation letter to every applicant to attend Assessment Day. 

William Hulme's Grammar School is very oversubscribed every year. Parents should research their school preferences carefully and make sure they use all the preferences on the council form.

If your child has an older sibling who is already on roll in Years 7 – 11 of the Academy and who will still be on roll in Years 7 – 11 on the date of admission, you must include this information on the Common Application Form you submit to your local council. If you do not include this information on your form, the application will not be considered under the sibling criterion.

If you wish to apply under the Medical and Social Needs (exceptional circumstances) criterion you will need to apply on the Supplementary Information Form (SIF) above. You must also provide written evidence to the school of your child’s significant social or medical needs, addressed to the Admissions Officer, William Hulme’s Grammar School, Spring Bridge Road, Manchester, M16 8PR. 

Examples of significant medical or social circumstances which the Academy may be able to take into account would be:

  • Your child has a sensory impairment and needs to walk to the closest school for safety reasons.
  • Your child has a serious physical disability which means they are unable to walk long distances or use public transport, and this is your nearest school.

The closing date for on-time applications was 31 October 2024 at 5.00pm.

Local authorities will advise parents/carers of their school allocation on 3 March 2025.

Sixth Form

Sixth Form Applications

We offer students a wide range of subjects taught by highly-skilled specialists, excellent pastoral support, careers advice and facilities and enrichment opportunities, including:

  • A dedicated Sixth Form Centre with excellent study facilities
  • Sixth Form café and common room
  • Small class sizes
  • Private study room
  • Sixth Form laptops available from the Flexible Learning Space
  • Individual support and mentoring, both academic and personal
  • Extensive range of co-curricular activities including volunteering, DofE, MUN, Bar Mock Trial, sport
  • Specialist support for entry to Oxbridge, Law, Medicine and Dentistry

Destinations of this year's Y13 leavers include the universities of: Manchester, Leeds, Oxford and Cambridge, amongst others. We have students going on to study subjects, such as Law, Biomedical Science, Engineering, Architecture, Psychology, International Business Management, Medicine, Computer Science, Maths and many more.

We hope that you will take the opportunity to come and visit us and choose William Hulme’s as the place to continue your path to academic success.

If you require any additional information, please contact the Sixth Form Administrator: 

Miss N Valvona
Telephone 0161 241 1480


In-Year Applications (to Any Other Year Group Outside the Normal Admissions Round)

At the present time there are no vacancies in any year group at this school.

From 1 September 2023, in-year applications will be dealt with in the following way:

If you are considering moving your child from their current school to this or any other Manchester school, you must contact Manchester City Council School Admissions on or 0161 245 7166. They will be able to advise you about vacancies in other schools and assist you in making an In-Year application. More information can be found on the council's website:

Once an application is submitted, it is considered against the oversubscription criteria by the academy.  If a place can be offered, the academy will contact you to arrange admission.  If a place cannot be offered, your child’s name will be added to the waiting list.  If you are not offered a place at an academy you state a preference for, you have the right of appeal against the decision.

We will only allocate a place from the waiting list if a child leaves the school in that year group, creating a vacancy. Places are allocated from the waiting list according to our admissions criteria and not by the length of time spent on the list.

Waiting lists will be held in criteria order according to the oversubscription criteria. Waiting lists will not be operated on a “first come, first served” basis.  The amount of time an applicant is on a waiting list will not affect their position on it. 

For In Year applications, waiting lists will be held for the remainder of the academic year in which the application was made.  At the end of the academic year (July 25) all applicants will be removed from all waiting lists.  The only exception to this will be if the applicant has not been offered a place at any school.  In this circumstance the applicant will be kept on the waiting list for the next term.

Enquiries about the waiting list

We appreciate that many parents are extremely anxious to get their child into this school. If a place for a child does become available we will always contact the parent immediately by phone and/or letter to offer the place. If you have not heard from us, it is because your child has not been offered a place.

We would ask your co-operation in not telephoning the school to ask about the waiting list because of the huge volume of calls this generates which prevents us from doing other admissions work. If you would like to make an enquiry about your child's position on the waiting list, please email with the following information:

  • Your child's full name
  • Your child's date of birth
  • The school year  your child is currently in
  • The first line of your address

We will respond as soon as we can. Thank you for helping us to provide a good service for all our applicants.


How do I apply for a place for my child who has an EHCP?

No pupil will be refused admission to school on the basis of his or her special educational need. In line with the Equality Act 2010, disabled children are not discriminated against in respect of admissions for a reason related to their disability. Best endeavours will be made to provide effective educational provision. William Hulme’s Grammar School will ensure that students with SEN are admitted on an equal basis with others in accordance with its admission policy. Where necessary in the Secondary phase, support will be given to enable students to access the Fair Banding Assessment and Modern Foreign Languages Aptitude Test for Year 7 applicants. The Director of SEND is frequently consulted in advance of application by parents of students with Special Educational Needs and is always willing to offer appropriate advice. Those accepted by the school are visited in their Primary Schools or previous settings and their needs discussed with parents and teachers in order to ascertain appropriate provision.

Where a Local Authority proposes to name WHGS in an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) made in accordance with section 324 of the Education Act 1996, the school will be sent a consultation and will outline whether the pupils needs can be met and whether a place will be offered or not. If it is deemed that it would be incompatible with the provision of the efficient education of other children, this will be outlined in the consultation response to the Local Authority. The school shall admit any child in whose Education Health and Care Plan it has been appropriately named. In deciding whether a child’s inclusion would be incompatible with the efficient education of other children, the school shall have regard to the relevant guidance issued by the Secretary of State to maintained schools. In the event of any disagreement between the school and the Local Authority over the proposed naming of WHGS in an Education Health and Care plan, the school may ask the Secretary of State to determine whether it should be named. The Secretary of State’s determination shall be final.

How do pupils get a place in a Resourced Provision? 

As part of the assessment process for an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP), discussions will take place between parents, schools, educational psychologists and the Statutory Assessment Team regarding provision. 

For pupils with an EHCP, this provision is discussed as part of the annual review process. A review can be held at any time where there is a significant change in circumstances.

Places at a Resourced Provision are allocated by the Local Authority.

Additional Support and Advice

  • Information, Advice and Support Manchester (IASM) offer free, impartial information, advice and support to families of children and young people with SEND.
    Website: IASM webpage
  • Local Offer drop-ins are friendly and informal, Early Help SEND Drop Ins are a great way to get good information and advice about SEND.
    Local Offer Drop-ins
  • Parent Support Groups.
    Website: Local Offer
  • GM Autism Consortium

You can contact the school's SEND team by email at:


Enquiries About Making an Application

We know that many parents have questions about the application process. Please read our prospectus well and have a look at our Frequently Asked Questions before telephoning the school to ask admissions questions as we have a large number of telephone calls at this time of year. Thank you for helping us to provide a good service to all of our applicants.

Telephone number (for admissions enquiries only): 0161 241 1489

Email the Admissions Officer

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Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

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