What if my child is ill?
If your child is ill please contact the school before 08:30 informing us of your child’s full name, their form, what is wrong with them and what date you expect them to return to school. Please do this every morning that they are absent.
What if my child has a medical condition?
Pupils with medical conditions will be supported so that they have full access to education and are expected to maximise their attendance at every opportunity.
Individual Healthcare plans will be used in consultation with parents and appropriate professionals to effectively support pupils with medical conditions.
What if they have an appointment?
Wherever possible we would ask that appointments are made outside of school time.
If your appointment is likely to last the whole day, please write to enquiries@whgs-academy.org telling us your child’s name, their form, what their appointment is and how long it will take. The principal will inform you whether this absence is approved or not.
For medical or dental appointments, we expect students to return to school promptly afterwards and for parents to contact us. Where possible, we ask parents to present an appointment card to school reception upon their child’s return, showing the time their child attended their appointment.
What if my child needs to go abroad?
You should also be aware that taking too much time off school can result in your child losing their school place. Should your child lose their place here, you will be required to apply to the Local Authority for readmission to William Hulme’s Grammar School. It is unlikely that your child will be readmitted to William Hulme’s Grammar School due to the high demand for places.
You can write to the principal to request leave of absence; this should be done 4 weeks prior to departure. Absence will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances, in most cases, absences are not approved.
If your child accrues 10 consecutive sessions (equal to five days) of unauthorised absence, you may be liable for a penalty notice.
What if my child needs to be off for Religious Reasons?
No more than one day will be designated for any individual occasion of religious observance or festival and no more than three days, in total, in any academic year. Any further absence will be categorised as unauthorised. In such cases the school may request that a penalty notice is issued.