
Y6 Careers Day Visit

On Monday 10 February, to mark this half term's Careers' Day, Year 6 were visited by members of the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service.

Year 3 Visitors

Year 3 have been busy this half term and welcomed two visitors who have enhanced our learning. We would like to say a big thank you to Matty and Mr Morris for their kindness and support this half term.

KS3 Documentary Film-Making Competition

On Wednesday, Dr Peter O'Connor and Eve Pennington from the University of Manchester visited the school to tell KS3 Students about an exciting competition. Students from schools in Greater Manchester have been asked to make a documentary film about anything they find interesting about the history of Manchester, and the city's historical position within the British Empire.

Y8/Y9 Masterchef Competition

On Tuesday 28 January, the Food & Nutrition Department held the Year 8/Year 9 MasterChef Competition. It was a very busy evening with the food room at capacity with 24 competitive young chefs taking part.

Year 12 University Study Day

Last week, students from Year 12 Law, English, History and Politics were invited to the University of Manchester for a workshop in the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures.

Year 2 Explore the Uses of Everyday Materials

Year 2 have been actively exploring their science unit, Uses of Everyday Materials. They began by identifying various objects by describing their purpose, the materials they are made from and their properties.

Year 6 British Red Cross Empathy and Migration Workshop

On Wednesday 8 January, Year 6 were visited by Amy from the British Red Cross, who came to deliver an empathy and migration workshop. This links to our Geography curriculum this half term, as in our "On the Move" unit we are learning about what migration is, the different types of migration and why people migrate. 

Winter Showcase

On Wednesday 18 December, the Music Department hosted a wonderful concert in the Great Hall to a very supportive audience of parents, carers, students, friends and staff.

Choir Visit to RMCH

On Thursday 12 December, members of the school choir were fortunate to have the opportunity to perform at the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital (RMCH).

Year 1 St Edmund's Church Visit

On Wednesday 18 December, we visited a local church where we had the opportunity to listen to the reverend share the Christmas story and explain its meaning.

Year 3/Year 4 Carol Concert

On Tuesday 17 December, Year 3 and 4 wowed an audience of parents and staff with a beautiful retelling of the Christmas story through a series of readings and songs

Year 1 Chester Zoo Trip

Year 1 visited Chester Zoo on Wednesday 27 November. During the trip, children were immersed in their writing unit of 'Handa's Surprise'.

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