
Hate Crime Awareness Event

Hate Crime Awareness Event

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Monday 6 February 2023

/ Categories: News

On Monday 6 February, a group of our Primary Phase children attended a Hate Crime Awareness Event at Gorton Monastery, which aimed to share what different schools are doing across Greater Manchester to promote peace and inclusion.  

We created an A1 board to show other schools what we are doing to ensure everyone knows their Rights. This included in our assemblies, our lessons and how we get to use our voices through SMART Council and Votes for Schools. We got to look at other school’s boards too!

During the day we heard from lots of different people, including the Rights Respecting Leader, the Deputy Mayor of Manchester and the founder of Peace Mala. 

A Peace Mala is a bracelet that represents all of the world faiths. Each colour represents a religion and the clear one in the middle stands for you. The big bead brings all religions together as one.  At the event, were leaders from all of these faiths and we lit candles to signify each one.

We completed lots of activities about peace and inclusion including: wish ribbons, peace pledges and made world faith hearts. 

We had a great day and it was fantastic to see how WHGS are helping to spread the message of peace and inclusion in Manchester. 

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