
National Careers Week in Secondary Phase

National Careers Week in Secondary Phase

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National Careers Week (NCW) took place across the UK beginning on Monday 6 March 2023.  The week-long celebration offers guidance and free resources to promote careers.

At WHGS, we promoted NCW through promotional videos shown by subject staff within their lessons. Each Year group promoted NCW with signage and posters, and guest speakers came in throughout the week for KS3 and KS4.

KS3 and KS4 students were given an insight into the different career paths and post 16 destinations from various providers. Manchester College delivered a great in-depth assembly with our KS3 students about options and post 16 pathways. UA92 (University of 92) delivered an excellent assembly to our KS4 (Y10/Y11 cohort) on post 16 destinations and higher education, linked with Lancaster University.

We also held a Careers Competition of the best cover letter for an ideal job. The competition winners were Alhussein (Y9), Abdul Wahab (Y9) and Shreyas (Y7).

It has been wonderful to see the great work carried out across the school for NCW by staff and students.

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