
Primary Phases Values Celebration

Each half term, a celebration is held for every child who demonstrates all three of our school values; Ambition, Respect and Compassion, and receives a postcard for each, from their teacher over the half term.

Y7 Languages XP Sessions

For four weeks of this term, a group of Year 7 students participated in after-school Japanese sessions, in a programme called Languages XP, run by the University of Manchester. 

WOW Culture Day

It was great to celebrate the diversity at WHGS during our WOW Culture Day on Thursday 21 March.

Y12 Turing Trip to Zambia

In February, ten of our Year 12 students travelled to Zambia to take part in a Sports Coaching Programme, as part of the government’s Turing scheme, which promotes international relations between schools.

National Careers Week (NCW)

For National Careers Week (4-9 March), we celebrated with a range of exciting activities to showcase the exciting world of work. Subject teachers also highlighted the career opportunities within their subject areas, so that students could get an insight into the different career paths available to them.

Literacy Week / World Book Day

Last week we celebrated Literacy Week with a host of events, activities and competitions across the Primary and Secondary Phase, focusing on inspiring a love of reading.  

Year 4 Forest School

Both Year 4 classes have enjoyed their Forest School trips to Delamere Forest this half term. The children loved this experience and were excited to visit a new forest this year!

Year 9 Gateways

On Wednesday 28 February, a group of Year 9 students participated in the Gateways visit to the University of Manchester.

Henshaws Visit

On Tuesday 27 February, we welcomed our friends from Henshaws, who joined us for conversation and music.

U15s Table Tennis Championships

On Wednesday 7 February, we entered two boys teams into the Desmond Douglas Manchester Schools U15s Table Tennis Championship at Our Lady's High School.

WOMArathoN Challenge

On Friday 9 February, we hosted our "WOMArathoN" Challenge. We were celebrating the 40th anniversary of the formation of Women in Sport and 40 years since women were first allowed to run the marathon in the Olympics. Women in Sport was founded in 1984 and has a track record of success in securing change, based on its deep understanding of the needs and aspirations of women and girls at each life stage. Its goal is to break down gender inequalities and ensure that all sport is transformed for the benefit of every woman and girl in the UK.

Y10 Football v Priestnall

On Thursday 8 February, our Year 10 Boys Football Team played Priestnall in the third round of the Greater Manchester County Schools Cup at the Platt Lane Complex in Fallowfield.

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