
Eid Celebration Cooking Club

Our Key Stage 3 students came together to cook and celebrate Eid. Students were joined by a guest chef to create a fantastic chickpea and potato curry with garlic flatbreads. 

Stephen Lawrence Day

On Thursday 20 April 2023, we celebrated Stephen Lawrence Day at WHGS. The day began with a heart-warming assembly delivered by Ruth Ibegbuna (Founder of RECLAIM, Rekindle and The Roots Programme) about Stephen’s life.

Great British Spring Clean

As part of this year’s Great British Spring Clean, our Secondary Executive Council and Smart School Council carried out litter picks on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays during the weeks of 17-31 March 2023. 

Year 10 Work Experience Week

Work Experience took place during the week beginning Monday 27 March for our Year 10 students. Placements were with local businesses and within school for the students to utilise key skills and see a working environment first-hand.

Sixth Form Iftar

On Thursday 30 March, we hosted our first Iftar in the Sixth Form Centre. The atmosphere was electric and the students led the event perfectly.

Y8 Gateways

On Tuesday 28 March 2023, a group of Year 8 students were involved in a 'Familiarisation Visit' to the University of Manchester, as part of the Gateways Programme.

Y7-Y9 Rewards Celebration

This term's Reward Celebration was facilitated by Odd Arts Theatre Company. Our Year 7 to Year 9 students, who were star/gold recipients had the opportunity to watch an Odd Arts play called ‘Knockout Blow’.

Year 7 Languages XP

For the past 3 weeks, a group of Year 7 students have participated and attended after-school Japanese sessions in a programme called Languages XP, run by the University of Manchester. 

Year 9 Solutions Not Sides Project

A group of our Year 9 students have taken part in a challenging project this term, alongside Solutions Not Sides. The focus was to have a critical approach to education on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The aims were to tackle anti-Semitism, Islamophobia and polarisation around the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the UK. 

WHGS Cultural Day

On Tuesday 21 March 2023, the whole school (Primary Phase, Secondary Phase and Sixth Form) celebrated a brilliant Culture Day!

Cash for Kids

In January, we applied for a Cost of Living Grant from Cash for Kids and were successful! With the generous grant we received, we were able to help 95 of our students/families.

Henshaws Visit

On Tuesday 7 March, we welcomed our friends from Henshaws who were serenaded by KS3 'Uke's and Co' Group performing 'Riptide', as well as Year 7 and 10 soloists.

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