
KS4 Home Office Careers Workshop

On Thursday 2 March 2023, we had the pleasure of hosting a workshop delivered by the Home Office. KS4 students had the opportunity to opt in to attending the session, in which they learnt about the various career options within the Home Office sector.

Year 8 National Indoor Rowing Finals

On Friday, 3 March Miss Bretherton took two Year 8 students to the National Indoor Rowing Finals in London, as they had previously qualified to represent Greater Manchester. 

Year 4 Forest School

Year 4 have enjoyed taking part in Forest School this half term. They have had great opportunities, both in school and in the woods, to complete activities in their 'Wild Passports'.

Year 9 Gateways

On Wednesday 8 February, a group of our Year 9 students participated in the Gateways visit at The University of Manchester, along with three other schools.

WHGS Musicians appear on BBC Breakfast!

As part of the Young Artists Programme study at the RNCM, WHGS music students appeared on BBC Breakfast, sharing their positive experiences of the Junior RNCM initiative. More to the point, our very own Eden-Haya appeared on the BBC Breakfast sofa and was interviewed alongside Ben Dunne, the founder of the River Reeves Foundation. 

Sixth Form Students Take Part in Bar Mock Trial

A group of our Sixth Form students have been preparing for the Young Citizen’s Bar Mock Trial since September 2022. Students have been meeting on a weekly basis at lunchtime to prepare their cases, practise their questioning skills and prepare to undergo questioning as witnesses.

Y12 Spanish Filming Workshop at MMU

On Wednesday 8 February, three of our Year 12 students who are studying Spanish, attended a Filming Workshop in Manchester Metropolitan University, presented by Dr Carmen Herrero, Head of Spanish Filming Studies.

Hate Crime Awareness Event

On Monday 6 February, a group of our Primary Phase children attended a Hate Crime Awareness Event at Gorton Monastery, which aimed to share what different schools are doing across Greater Manchester to promote peace and inclusion.  

Y7 Inspire Indoor Athletics

On Friday 20 January, a group of our Year 7 boys and girls entered a team competition of Sports Hall Athletics. The competition was against several schools across Manchester and all students showed a great competitive spirit when engaging with competition.

Year 8 Rowing Success

A group of our Year 8 students absolutely "smashed it" at their Rowing Competition on Wednesday 25 January.  There were over 400 pupils taking part, from lots of different schools.

Y12 Art Trip to Salford Quays

Our Year 12 Art Class went on an Art Trip to Salford Quays to gather primary source photographs and observational drawings.  We plan to use all images gathered in the next unit of "Urban landscape and Portraiture".  

Y12 US Civil Rights Workshop

On Friday 20 January, eight of our Year 12 History Students visited the University of Manchester to take part in a workshop on US Civil Rights.

Y10 Coaching Rewards Trip

This term, sixteen Year 10 students have been coached by a member of staff to help them improve an area of school life. The students and their coaches were split into two teams, to add some healthy competition, and over the course of the 7-week coaching intervention they have been trying to get the fewest detention and Reflection Room referrals.

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