
Tree Planting by the Garden Club

Tree Planting by the Garden Club

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Monday 28 November 2022

/ Categories: News

WHGS Garden Club, which is run by our Art Teacher, Ms Dawson, applied to the Woodland Trust for 420 sapling trees to plant along the fenceline on the playing field to hide the traffic and soak up some of the CO2 from the traffic passing on the Princess Parkway.  

It took us three weeks to plant all the trees and we did it in rain, wind, the cold and one glorious sunny Autumn day!  Over forty children took part, supported by six members of staff from across all parts of the school; Primary to Sixth Form.  

We hope that this will make the air quality on the playing field better for our students for years to come.  It will also provide more privacy from the road and make it a better space for wildlife too.  

We have planted a range of trees that were selected for their help for urban wildlife and all year-round colour; Willow, Rowan, Dogwood, Hawthorn, Silver Birch, Wild Cherry, Hazel, Blackthorn and Sessile Oak.  These have been planted in a hedge that runs along the entire length of the field.  

We are also trying to win a Green School Award for our school.  There are Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum Awards available.  We have just been awarded Bronze status, which is very exciting.  We are planning to present an assembly, visit a wood, throw a magical tree party for Primary children, complete a photography competition, make Christmas wreaths, along with continuing to grow produce and flowers to make our school a better place, whilst encouraging a healthy mind through gardening.

We will be keeping a track via our new Garden Club Sway.

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