
Y12 Spanish Filming Workshop at MMU

Y12 Spanish Filming Workshop at MMU

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Wednesday 8 February 2023

/ Categories: News

On Wednesday 8 February, three of our Year 12 students who are studying Spanish, attended a Filming Workshop in Manchester Metropolitan University, presented by Dr Carmen Herrero, Head of Spanish Filming Studies.

The session lasted three hours and students made the most of this great opportunity, which focused on improving writing skills, such as sophisticated use of grammar, structures and vocabulary that enables students to be successful at their A Level Spanish Paper 2.

The Workshop, which was mainly delivered in Spanish, was about Pedro Almodóvar who is a Spanish film director who wrote, produced and directed “Volver” which is the film we are currently studying and analysing as part of the Year 12 Spanish curriculum. It was divided into sections on how to improve critical thinking, work on vocabulary and grammar variety. The use of different techniques in which students study a scene linked to a theme in the film and the director’s filming techniques, style and characters.

It was a very positive experience as students' motivation and involvement were outstanding.  They were even praised by Dr Herrero. They answered lots of questions and worked solidly the whole session. It was a very productive and useful workshop that will boost confidence in the students

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