
Y12 Turing Trip to Ecuador

Y12 Turing Trip to Ecuador

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Tuesday 11 June 2024

/ Categories: News

Twelve students in Year 12 had the incredible opportunity to visit Ecuador in April, through the Turing Scheme and their partners; Kaya Travel and EcoExplora. This once in a lifetime experience saw students care for endangered species, hike through the Amazon rainforest, visit local indigenous people and delve into the culture that makes Ecuador such a beautiful, diverse and welcoming place. The students were joined by Mrs Likissa a Biology Teacher, Mr Gideonse a Maths Teacher and a local guide.

The first placement involved working in a Yana Cocha, a wildlife nature reserve in the east of Ecuador, Pastaza province. This wildlife project set in the heart of the Amazon takes animals that have been illegally trafficked for the pet trade or animals that have been injured; with the aim to reintegrate them back into the wild. When this is not possible, animals are cared for at the centre. Students had the opportunity to work alongside an animal of their choice, handling, feeding, cleaning and providing enrichment. Animals included cotton top tamarins, nocturnal monkeys, toucans, otters, honey bears and even ocelots and eagles. Students and volunteers also carried out tasks around the centre, such as twice daily feeding rounds, carrying out maintenance and helping in quarantine and clinic. One student called Onyinye said: “This experience was an eye opener for me, it enabled me to overcome some of my fears and it expanded my experience of nature, and the opportunities available when experiencing other cultures.”

The second placement involved going deeper into the heart of the rainforest to Tamandoa, where not even Wi-Fi or phone signal could reach! The Ecolodge provided an opportunity for students to bask in the beauty and peace of the Amazon while disconnecting from the persistent distraction and stress that phones and social media can sometimes cause. Students had the opportunity to go on two hikes while the local guide provided insight into the medicinal role of the many faunae of the rainforest. We visited a waterfall and an indigenous community, had the opportunity to observe chocolate making and partake in traditional jewellery making. Year 12 students visited a local school and observed the impact of poverty on education, seeing that one building provided schooling for all ages and all children in the local area of Tamandoua.

This volunteering opportunity in Ecuador, for William Hulme’s students and teachers alike, was a valuable lesson in the satisfaction that arises when we put our best effort in and challenge ourselves. The trip went beyond being a tourist experience and enabled students to consider how they can use their skills and talents to the benefit of those around them now and in the future.

Adios y gracias!

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