
Y12 US Civil Rights Workshop

Y12 US Civil Rights Workshop

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Friday 12 January 2023

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On Friday 12 January, our Y12 History and Politics students attended a workshop on US Civil Rights and Political Ideas in the 1960s at the University of Manchester. This consisted of a seminar in the morning, delivered by Dr Andrew Fearnley, entitled 'A Complex King: Martin Luther King Jr, 1963-68.

The students then travelled up to the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Archive at Manchester Central Library and looked at primary source material from various civil rights campaigns and events, from as far back as the early 1900s.

To finish the day, Dr Fearnley led another seminar, dealing with the US political system and its role in the movement for civil rights.  We also stopped for lunch at the Whitworth Art Gallery Cafe, again hosted by the University.

All students involved really enjoyed the chance to experience a taste of university life, and to hear from one of the country's leading academics on American History, Politics and Culture. This work directly links to the curriculum for both courses, with students of History and Politics studying the US in detail over the course of their two-year A-Level.

This event is another great example of the work that the University of Manchester does to inspire and engage students from across the city, hopefully encouraging them to pursue Higher Education. 

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