
Year 10 Work Experience Week

Year 10 Work Experience Week

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Work Experience took place during the week beginning Monday 27 March for our Year 10 students. Placements were with local businesses and within school for the students to utilise key skills and see a working environment first-hand.

Staff visiting and feedback received from employers has been excellent and has shown the exemplary model that our students are at WHGS. 

Feedback from employers, included; "Our students shone out above the others and were a joy to have."  "We would love to have them back and work for us." 

This year's Work Experience is the first that has taken place since the pandemic and it has been a great success. Year 10 Work Experience has helped students build on their confidence, self-esteem and, most of all, has equipped them with a skill set ready for their post 16 destination. 

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