How to help your child with maths at home
For children in Key Stage 2, daily practice of times tables is crucial and is expected as part of weekly homework. We use the TT Rockstars platform to make this practice engaging and fun. Regular repetition helps embed these important mathematical facts, which are essential for more advanced maths skills later on.
There are also other areas of core learning that you can help your child with at home:
1. Use Songs and Rhymes
Introduce your child to songs that include counting. For example, sing “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, once I caught a fish alive” to practice counting up, and songs like “Five currant buns” to count down. These tunes not only help with number recognition but also teach patterns. You can also try counting by twos with songs like “The animals went in two by two.” Repeat the same songs or rhymes on a regular basis and use finger actions to show the mathematical meaning of the words.
2. Making counting objects or actions a regular habit.
For example, count the stairs every time you go up, count the number of plates on the table before a meal or count fingers and toes after bath time.
3.Count with Toys
Incorporate toys into math activities. Use building blocks to create towers, or line up toys like animals or cars and count them together. This encourages your child to understand order and patterns through play.
4. Explore Math in Everyday Activities
Look for math in daily life! When you’re shopping, ask your child to find shapes, like a round apple or a square face on a box. You can also compare the weights of two items or point out numbers, like prices or aisle numbers.
5. Identify Shapes in Nature
As you walk through parks or neighborhoods, help your child spot shapes in the environment. For instance, notice square windows or rectangular doors, and even measure shadows to explore concepts of size and shape.
Key Stage 1
In Key Stage 1, it is important that your child gains a good knowledge of basic number facts by the end of Year 2. These include:
- Number bonds to 10
- Number bonds to 20
- Doubling and halving up to 10
- 2, 5 and 10-times tables
- Counting up to 100
Key Stage 2
In Key Stage 2, children need to continue to develop their knowledge of number facts:
- Number bonds to 100
- Doubling and halving beyond 10
- Times Tables
Year 3: 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 ,8- times tables.
Year 4 and above: All times tables.
The following websites can support your child with this: