Religious Studies

The purpose of the RE curriculum is for students to know and understand a range of religious and non-religious worldviews and be able to critically engage with those views. Students should gain an appreciation for how these worldviews have impacted the world they live in at a local, national and global level.

Qualifications can be taken in GCSE Religious Studies.  In the Sixth Form we offer A-Level Religious Studies.

WHGS respects the religious and ethical beliefs of students and their parents/carers. Parents/carers may withdraw students from RSHE except in relation to the requirements to teach human reproduction in biology and relationships education. 

Revision Guides


The course does not assume or require any previous study of Religious Studies. The course is open to candidates from any religious background and success in this subject will in no way depend upon a candidate’s religious beliefs or lack of them. In fact, of almost two hundred and fifty pupils who have gained A-Level RS at WHGS, only about half would claim to hold religious beliefs themselves.

Revision Guides

The department will provide students with text books and a range of additional resources to encourage students to read widely around each topic. There are a range of ‘revision’ style books commercially available for both at GCSE and A Level, however not all are relevant to the topics covered by our students. The department recommends the following additional guides should you wish to buy your own copy:


My Revision Notes:
AQA GCSE Religious Studies: Religion and Life Issues and Religion and Morality by Lesley Parry (Author), Jan Hayes (Author), Kim Hands (Author)
ISBN-13: 978-1471801303

AS Level:

My Revision Notes:
OCR AS Religious Studies: Philosophy of Religion by Jill Oliphant (Author)
ISBN-13: 978-1444182552

My Revision Notes: 
OCR AS Religious Studies: Religious Ethics by Jill Oliphant (Author)
ISBN-13: 978-1444182491

A2 Level: 

My Revision Notes:
OCR A2 Religious Studies: Philosophy of Religion by Jill Oliphant (Author)
ISBN-13: 978-1444182583

My Revision Notes: 
OCR A2 Religious Studies: Religious  Ethics by Jill Oliphant (Author)
ISBN-13: 978-1444182521

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